Friday, December 5, 2008

Who's to say?

Many people believe that all Christians are very traditional with their political views, however, there are tons of Christians with liberal outlooks on a lot of situations. I am an example of a liberal Christian. I am strong with my faith in the Lord but I would have voted no on prop 8. Not everyone knows this so all Christians have to carry around a bad reputation due to the closed minds of the traditional Evangelical Christians. How as Christians can some of us so strongly reprimand people for their life style choices? Growing up as a Christian I was always taught that Jesus Christ is our savior and that he died for all of us on the cross. Our Lord did not discriminate on who he was saving from their sins.
It is written in the old testament of the Bible that God created Adam and Eve because that it what relationships were destined to be made of. This is stated throughout the Bible especially in the first book of the Bible; Genesis. It is also written in the old testament that it is a sin against God to cut your hair. So should we pass a prop banning barber shops? Absolutely not!
Because of all the discrimination some very outspoken Christians are doing/ more and more people are turning their backs on the Lord. “We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”, Thomas Jefferson stated this in our nation's constitution. All people have these rights and marriage is a liberty and a definite form of happiness. God made each and everyone of us with the intent for us walk with Him and encourage others to stay faithful on their walk with Him. Liberal Christians interpret the Bible with an open mind, our main goal is to accept others and by doing this we pray that others will accept Jesus Christ as their savior. As Christians we should be lending out our hands, hearts, and knowledge to all people in need of the Lord, not just to those we feel meet our 'standards'.
Whose to say on judgment day God will turn down all gay people or all people with short hair? Whose to say he wont banish a straight person who had spent their life filling their heart with hate and in turn living a luke warm life? Can we not aspire to be as accepting as our Lord and savior Jesus Christ? I plan to at least try my hardest to accept those around me and hopefully teach them and try to guide them in the ways of the Lord.